Saturday, February 25, 2012

3rd Month

My third month of being open is the Month of December.  This can be a very stressful time of year for everyone and this year was no different.  The ratings were saying this Christmas season would make or break several large retailers.  I knew I was starting a business in a unstable environment but reports continue to share bad news.  One plus for me is that people are looking for bargains and thrift store shopping has become more common, but even thrift stores are having issues selling larger end items. 

" When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off agaist the wind, not with it" Henry Ford

The challenges I faced were balancing work with activities at home with the holidays.  I spend extra time after the store is closed trying to find new bargains to carry, paperwork, and other miscellaneous tasks.  I usually make many gifts for our family and I was unable to do as much this year.  When starting a business, capital is always tight and this added to stress at home.  I believe these choices will affect my business in the future and I am spending most of our time and money in the business. The novelty has worn off for my family and it is just a job for them.  They no longer like to spend the extra time over at the store and I spend most days alone now. 

The final thing to add to our stress level of the holiday season was that my husbands work of the last 12 years has announced that they are permanently closing.  We received my husbands last check the first week of December.  Just when you think you can not handle any more bad news, we received a blessing and my husband quickly got hired at another job.  We were very excited that we could continue to move forward since our savings have been dropping as we went to a one income family. 

The store had busy days and days with limited business.  I had all the Christmas items out and that seemed to be the only thing selling.  I had many requests for more grocery items but I couldn't expand to everything.  Over all the month passed by very quickly and  I started to plan for January.  Sales could be dead after Christmas and I had no history to judge by what was to come........

Friday, February 17, 2012

2nd month

For those who have missed my daily additions, I have spent the week changing seasons.  For those who work retail, this is very familiar to you.  For those who haven't this means discounting last seasons items then packing away what didn't sell.  Also means you need to change every angle of the store to new season.  When the season matches the weather season, that means you have double inventory to change.  Suzy's now has spring and summer items out and we have started to put out Easter items. Now I begin the second month of Suzy's. 

My second month started off very slow in comparison.  I was concerned the novelty had worn off.  I still had new customers, some from far away as they get off the turnpike.  I kept reinvesting the money I made after the monthly bills were paid.  This month, I expanded my shelving racks.  When I first opened, I didn't have any clothing racks so that was our first priority, but now I wanted to be able to display more items.  My motto is you can not make a sale if it is in the back room.  The first row of shelves were completed. 

This month went by much slower than last, and I had many days that I wondering if the store would survive a year.  Over all, I think the second month was the most stressful for me so far.  It was November and I had changed seasons to Christmas items as most prominent since I was not open long enough to have large fall display for Thanksgiving.  Christmas is a make it or break time of year.  Christmas items sell themselves with out needing a push.  I was not even close to being as busy as I expected.  After being in management for years in retail, I was so prepared for the day to day stresses of the Christmas season and they never came.  Hindsight being 20/20 as they say, I was busier than I thought I was because my totals for the month were better than the month before.  In business growth is good no matter how small.  I also know it takes time to build the volume of stores that have been open for years.  I was so used to large volumes that I was not able to enjoy and see the volume I had in the store. 

"Every artist was first an amateur" Ralph Emerson

One day, I had someone from West Virginia stop by from the turnpike asking for directions, they enjoyed my store so much they now stop every time the pass by.  This feeling is awesome.  Someone thinks so highly of my store they get off the interstate every time they come through which it about once a month.  Now I am starting to be known outside of this small valley.  This made me think outside the box more with Internet sales.  I have that in my business plan but not right away since I needed many basics first.  I looked and found some free advertising like on Google.  I have a little bubble now on Google maps and you can Google me and get an address and phone.  I also put another ad in local paper this month to boost knowledge that I am here. 

On another note, this is great advertising opportunity I have used in the past but has not been an option here yet.  If you have small group of businesses that want to share advertising expense, you can combine ads to make a larger ad and get more attention.  Like stop by and get lunch here, grab a sweater here, and so on.  You can sometimes combine Radio and TV this way too.  In tight times you have to think out side the box. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

First weeks after Grand Opening

I started this blog about 6 months after I actually opened so I am going to try and catch up to current time in the next few segments.  My store is in a small community and everybody knows everybody, so after my Grand opening the next few weeks were very good.  I think people continued to talk to each other and the word of mouth spread and everyone had to see it for them selves.  I also opened in the beginning of the month and as a regular sales tip in retail, the beginning and end of the month are always busier than the middle.  I was very happy with the progress.  I still had a few ads in the local papers and just upgraded my open sign to one that lights up.  I was very busy restocking inventory and making adjustments. 

The store was continuing to change. As money allowed, I made improvements.  I had laid out in my business plan to expand instead of taking a wage for myself for first several months.  I had to plan my expenses at home and have my husbands support to do this but I know a business that continues to grow can have a better percentage for success.

My next challenge was heating for the winter.  I purchased and worked to set up the store in September and opened by October.  I had an amount budgeted for fuel oil but I had no previous experience with using or buying it.  I was informed that because my tank is outside that I need treated fuel to prevent freezing and the minimum purchase is 150 gal at a time.  I was hoping to get buy with 100 gal till next month to allow for more income but I had to have heat so I held off on replacing inventory for a week to order fuel.  Then the landlord had the furnace serviced and it was just in time for a cold spell that came.  I have been keeping the store at 65 during the day and 60 in the evenings and it seems to be a great temperature with customers in their winter coats.  Sometimes if it is really cold I plug in a small space heater for my area.  I have made a mental note to budget fuel each month and during the summer months order some every coupe months to fill my tanks for the winter and not be worried about the large expense.  I may schedule the opposite of my insurance payment months. 

"If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere" Frank Clark

As October is ending business is slowing down and I am having extremely slow days.  It is busy one day and very few people the next.  I know in retail it is best to do an average daily sale instead of looking each day.  I have a goal each month and my goal for the next month is to beat the previous months average daily sale.  To figure that out, take number of selling days that month and divide that from the monthly sales total.  at the end of the month, my sales were lower than I had hoped but all the bills for the month were paid by sales.  I was 15 dollars off my goal I had set after the first week. 

I was experiencing a lot of financial worry and little triumphs that made the month go by.  I knew there would be ups and downs but wasn't prepared for this.  I realized I needed to take it one day at a time and on my slow days I research how I an make more sales......

Friday, February 10, 2012

Grand Opening

So the day you have worked so hard for is here. It was printed in front page of the local paper and I have people waiting for me to open the store.  I had a coupon for 10% percent off entire purchase with this coupon as part of the ad.  I made sweet and sour meatballs, cheese ball with crackers, and chips with dip.  Simple self maintaining menu so I would be able to make sales.  It was so busy I was not able complete any work other than the cash register.  I did have my family over to help fill the food or help me with questions or ringing out the sale.  My kids were learning the cash register  (a skill that will help them forever).  I work in a very family orientated community and having my kids helping was the icing on the cake plus they are part of the reason I started this adventure.  We received many compliments from people about how nice the store looked and many great changes.  Customer feedback can be very inspirational.

"The most effective way to do it, is to just do it." Amelia Earhart

I also talked in last segment that I had door prizes.  I decorated the store as a Treasure Hunt, kinda cute since the name of the store is Suzy's Treasure Chest.  I had a large Treasure Chest by the register and I had 100 keys to the chest but only 15 keys opened the chest.  Each customer was encouraged to try a key to get to the treasure.  Inside I had prizes hidden in envelopes as well as fake gold coins and fake jewelry. We gave away lots of door prizes and people had fun.  Hopefully you start a business from a hobby or something you enjoy so you can have fun with it.  Going to work is so much easier when you enjoy it, even on the stressful days.

The day much quicker than I expected and with the small amount of sales I had the week before, I was making enough money to continue to invest more in the store.  It started to slow down as the day went on but remained a steady flow. 

I am a chart and numbers person when it comes to business.  I like to see my progress on paper and be able to compare it to future events.  With the advertisement coupons, I was able to see how many read the article and if it is a good source for me in the future.  I was also able to use my inventory sheet to compare what types of items sold best.  This may give me an idea on what area to expand on first.  I had a goal to expand groceries a little bit each week but that I will evaluate grocery sales and thrift sales in 6 months to see which area to expand on more or to maintain as I am.  My Grand Opening gave me contact to lots of people in a short amount of time. 

At the end of the day, I was tired from all the stress and work leading up to the event, but I felt great because the day was a large success and formed my view of the months to come.  Thankfully I started my business in what most people call the 4th quarter of the year.  One of the biggest shopping seasons. 

So now I begin the part of the adventure of what you do now that you already own a business.....
The first few years......

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Preparing to open

Now that we accomplished such a large set back in opening, I feel like we can do anything.  Business is a lot about good self esteem and believing you can do it.  I felt after the adjustments I made to my budget that I can still do this.  So I continued cleaning and the store started to look like a retail store.  I started laying out my displays and departments.  Having departments and organizing the layout of a store is important.  Also, tie in items is how you get that extra sale sometimes.  I had to readjust some areas after I was done to allow for more items.  This is all part of retail as well.  You have to continue to move products.  As I was setting up, some display items I wanted came up on Craigslist and at local auctions so I worked extra hard after work to get these items.  I had a new timeline for opening and I was still worried about getting it done.  I had it visioned and knew what I had to do, but I have always had employees to help with the change and I was not able to complete everything I wanted to in the time I had planned.  So some improvements would have to wait.

As I was working, I never locked the door.  People were very curious about the changes and they stopped by.  I could have just shut them out and continued to work but my personal experience with customers is they want the personal touch.  So when they stopped by I took a minute to explain I was opening in a week and I talked a little bit.  Before I opened, I already had contact with 15 potential customers.  These skills are all part of marketing.  Marketing is not just advertising, it is selling yourself and what you are doing.  You have to believe in yourself and your products to do this.  From this point on, you never know when you may meet a potential customer so take every operating that comes your way.

"Everyday do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow." Doug Firebaugh

At a point in every business you have to make a decision to have a lite opening and then schedule your Grand Opening or just have a Grand Opening.  I chose to go with a lite opening and set my Grand Opening on the 1st of the next month since it was a Saturday and it left lots of opportunity for me in my area.  So the original date I had set to open was here and I wasn't sure I was ready.  I had lots more envisioned than I had done.  My start up funds were dwindling down and I was choosing between things.  I started another plan and decided what I refused to open with out.  I spent two full days and evenings finishing up to complete those.  I had my signs ordered and was hoping they would be here and hung in time.  Everything was coming down to last minutes and it was stressful.  Somethings had to be relied on by others and I have issues with that sometimes (not sure why, I have never really been let down but). It was here and most stuff was completed so I decided to open the cash register on the second day I had planned to open after the pest removal.  I was continuing to make changes during the day since I hadn't had everything set up as I wanted yet but I was ready and excited.  The whole day went by and no one had stopped by.  I was really bummed and thought maybe this isn't going to work out.  About 15 minutes before I was set to close someone came in.  My first sale happened and it was over 15.00 dollars.  It gave me the hope I needed again to continue to next week.  I framed my first dollar as most people do and have it displayed with my licenses at the store.

I now had one week till my Grand Opening and little things to do.  I found out from the state of Pennsylvania that I can 3 events with free food a year and not have to have any food license so I planned a menu for my Grand Opening and door prizes.  I gave myself a Grand Opening Budget and made adjustments.   I finalized my advertisements, shared with friends and family, created door prizes and made food. Everything is ready but we are still setting up with 15 minutes to go before the store opens and people are outside.  Stay tuned to next section to hear all about my Grand Opening.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Detours of opening

It began much like purchasing a house for the first time.  I had done all the research and I had a plan for the store location and all the fees involved.  I got preapproved for financing and began by working out the details with the landlord before we settled with the previous owners on the remaining inventory.  The last time I was at the store before negotiations began I wrote down the important things I didn't want to open the store without and found a current value for those.  The sellers had a price they were asking for the items but my totals were not adding up to theirs and I was not interested in keeping all the items they had for sale. I was interested in display units, cash register, and office supplies.  With the help of my husband and his uncle they helped me practice negotiations and I had a starting price and a price I would have walked away.  The previous owners must not have been trained in negotiations because they took my first offer and it was almost  half of there listing price.  I started low so they would counter offer.  Shows you never know what you can do if you just ask.    I had them sign a contract and had it notarized. I was very excited and after the previous owners and notoriety left I started to really lay everything out in my head.   It was mine and I could create the dream I had imagined.  Having managed a thrift store in the past, I was able to make changes I thought would be effective. 

The timeline on my business plan began.  I had 2 weeks to get ready to open.  So each day after getting the kids off to school in the morning, I took my little buddy( still working out notice of previous job) and we went to clean the store.  That was a major issue with previous owners that store was very dirty but I knew that going into it and it was only cleaner and elbow grease which I have lots of.  So I started cleaning one section at a time and I was home in time for kids to get off the bus and my husband and I went for the additional supplies we needed each evening.  I kept real close to my budget and tried to combine places we had to get certain things to save fuel.  After a couple days of cleaning things were looking great and all the legal issues were falling into place.  Every owners dream to start a business with lots of planning and everything go as planned....

Until I realized with my cleaning that I had awoken a pest of mass proportion and I had an infestation.  Not something I had planned for, I hadn't even discussed pest maintenance in my month to month budget.  So after my 1st real week of owning my business I faced a set back that was so bad I almost took it as a sign I was not to continue.  My esteem was at a low point. 

"Being defeated is often a temporary condition.  Giving up is what makes it permanent" Marilyn vos Savant

I researched the best way to remove my pests and made a plan to defeat them.  I started treatments and went in the next day to see if I succeeded only to find more.  The treatments went on for about a week and I was trashing some of my inventory to prevent the spread of more pests.  My husband had taken off work to help because it was more than one person could handle.  I just wanted to go home and cry.  All the new items I had been getting, I had stored in my house and my budget for some items got cut for price of the treatments.  It was clear, I was not going to meet my deadline of two weeks to get the store open.  After a week of treatments and not seeing progress, I called an exterminator to get prices.  I couldn't afford one but if I was to continue I had no choice.  After getting prices we started talking about my problem and he told me why my treatments were not working and what prep work I would have to do if he came.  It was enough information that I changed my treatment plan without having to hire him.  My support system at home was just as worn down as I had been about the set back.  One day on our trip home, we almost hit a pig in the center of the road.  To some this is nothing, but with my Native American background, pigs are a sign of abundance and luck.  Often why we eat pork on the first day of the year in Pennsylvania.  So with this sign, we continued on and solved the pest problem......

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Are you ready to become an employer?

Now that I have given you resources for the legal mumbo jumbo.  "Not my favorite part of business structure." I want to share the information I have on employees.  I do not currently have employees at Suzy's but I have been a manager for many years and had to hire and fire people.  The legal issues with employees are covered in the books I named in last segment.  This is just tips for interviewing, hiring, and other real life tips. 

Before hiring you need to create an application.  Many templates are available online.  Think about what is important for you to know and include.  A lot of applications are more complicated than they need to be and do not share anything about their personality.  I always list references, but I often wonder why, like anyone is going to list someone that is going to give them a bad reference.  I look for strong bonds with previous employers which is usually a good sign.  Can we contact them, how long they were employed, and why they moved on?  These are character points and let me know if they will last.  I would rather spend more time looking for the right person than hire and fire all the wrong ones so I spend a great deal of time with interviews and applications.  Next is interview potential employees.  It is best to use like 5 questions but not yes or no answers.  These are my favorites:

Tell me about yourself?

What interested you about this position?

What is something that you have done for a past employer(or school if no previous work) that you are proud of and why?

Tell me a time in your life you struggled and what you did to overcome it?

I always end with.  What do you know about this company?  If I want the opportunity to talk more, this opens my door to tell them more about the position.  I never hire on the spot.  I always thank them for coming and that I will make my decision by _____?

This gives them an opportunity to tell you there life story then you have a better judge of who they are.  I have had some really shy people that I have listed examples about me to get them started.  It takes away the spotlight for enough time they can relax.

I sometimes do a second interview but usually it is because I am torn between 2 candidates or I want to hire them and I feel more professional to do it in person. 

I have been told from several employees that I am hard to work for, but I have had some awesome employees that have worked with me for years.  I know I can be a little intimidating but all I ask is for you to try your best.  Once you develop your team now you need to manage it.  Have all your policies written and encourage anyone to ask questions.  I have always been willing to go the extra mile to teach someone who may or may not have lots of experience so it is done as customers would expect it to be.  I am not perfect and I do not expect perfection from my employees but lots can be measured by heart.  I also have a major rule as Management, I would never ask my employee to do something I would not do myself.  Since my career started on the bottom, there is very little I will not do myself. I always make sure to notice things I am proud of that my employees do.  This is important, if you have to take disciplinary action they know the good faults too. 

"You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar". Unknown

I have had some great teams in the past that when I have an off day, which does happen they step in and cover me.  I have always had their respect but they in return had mine.  To move mountains you have employees that move small stones, don't forget that as you move forward in success that they helped you get there.

Now the hard part, having to let someone go.  I have had to do this more than one time to many.  Some have been seasonal help that you do not have finances for after season and others have been deserved and some have come from above me and not deserved.  Anyway you look at it, its not easy.  You are best to do it in a closed off location so the person has the ability to react safely.  If is seasonal and someone who you really like after you tell them(don't sugar coat it) offer to be a reference or suggest somewhere you know may be hiring.  If they have done something wrong be short and sweet and allow them to ask questions of why but that you have to do what you have to do.  Usually if they have several write ups they know it is coming.  Before I write someone up, I do a verbal warning and I tell them this is a warning and it will be documented.  On write up I include verbal date.  Third time for same offence is it for me. 

Note, I try not to mix family and friends with business.  You can not choose your family and you have to live with results if something goes wrong.  Friends may put you in a bind about something then you are forced to decide your business or your friend and no one wants that.  There are somethings family and friends can help with but you would be better to subcontract than directly hire.  I love my family and friends and would do anything for them but letting them go would be a challenge for me no matter what they did. 

"Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction". JFK

Hope this helps anyone looking to have employees. Best of luck on your next step.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Making goals and business plans

My last section had mentioned a lot of questions to get you started and now you can establish your goal.  Your goal can be for personal reasons or all business.  My goal for my first business was to help support an organization I believe in. Suzy's Treasure Chest's goal is to double the sales of the previous owners to support my family and me but allow me the flexibility I need as an active mom.  That is how I started my business plan was with that goal.  Now you can decide what you want to accomplish and start a goal of your own. 

"Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor". Brain Tracy

I want to note that I did not buy an established business, I only purchased inventory of a store going out of business and created my own.  I was however able to ask them questions to better my research of the needs in the area. 

Next step on the very long ladder of success, is to create your business plan.  The website for the Small Business Administration has templates.  I know some classes teach you how to write a business plan.  You can check with your local adult education programs or colleges.  Another great resource in a book called Start Your Own Business by the staff of Entrepreneur Media.  It contains many pages of questions to ask yourself about your business to keep you on track.  I made a journal for my questions so I can reuse the book for my next business adventure. 

It took days of research and planning but I completed my Business plan and it was 42 pages long.  You want to make a plan to succeed so plan up to 5 years out and dream big.  I had some issues with that, I was thinking about the risks and did not layout my expansions as well as I should have.  Think about how you will grow by new clients, larger location, chains stores.  One of my expansions for the current year is to take my store to the Internet for possible new consumers.  I have already started to lay the foundation for this goal.

As a business owner you have to be many things like public relations, accountant, manager, and much more.(it is just like being a mom, you are the cook, taxi, doctor, and etc)  You have to out source anything you do not feel comfortable to do yourself.  Although it is recommended to have an accountant do end of the year stuff and you may need legal assistance for certain issues.  A lot of your questions should be answered in the book I recommended.  Once you have established your business goal you may find these last books helpful as well.  They are both by Bernard Kamoroff.  One is Small Time Operator and the other is Small Business Operator.  Once you put together all these pieces you are ready to start the business and applying for all Licenses and Permits to start operations.  Set your self a timeline and a goal to complete these tasks. 

"There are no secrets to success.  It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure". Colin Powell

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Stepping stones of starting a business.

So you have been thinking about starting a business.  Great, that is first step.  There are many books and resources to help you along the way.  In this section I will share some basic resources that I personally used.  It can be very overwhelming and a lot of work to plan and research your business.  This is just sample of what is to come.  Business is not for everyone but can be rewarding for those who continue the journey. I want to make sure that I share that I have started both of my businesses in Pennsylvania and the laws are different for each state as well as each local districts. 

"The first step to getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are".  Unknown

I want to share that the books or web sites that I mention are my own experiences and that I get no royalties to advertise them.  I started this blog to assist other business owners and myself.  It worked for me and I hope to give back and help you. 

My favorite resource for starting a business is the Small Business Administration and their website is  On their site they have checklists, training, and resource links to each individual state for license and tax requirements.  They also offer Free online training.

A resource that is common in Pennsylvania is the Small Business Development Centers.  They assign you a consultant and they help you each step of the way.  They get you contacts of people you need and help with the license process.  They also offer help with writing a business plan and offer Free Classes.  Starting a business is expensive so I for one love anything Free plus you can take a course even before you start planning a business.  The services they offer are free at this point.  The government has decided it is better to assist new business owners rather than enforce issues later with licensing and taxes (they offer some government funding to this program).  They have training available in Shippensburg, Gettysburg, Carlisle, and York.  I used this service and it is great for a first time owner.  I was able to use the information they provided and the skills I already had to find out what I needed to start operations.  If you do not live in Pennsylvania, I encourage you to check with any business colleges to see if they offer anything from their business students(kids always have service projects to complete to graduate).  Also see if a SBA in your area has a Business Development Center.  The website for my local SBDC is

Some key things to consider before writing your business plan:

Assistance and training
Finance options
Legal Structure
Tax registration
Employer Responsibilities
State and Local Permits

"From small beginnings come great things".  Unknown

Now you are ready to begin the next step.  Deciding your business idea or direction. Are you going to sell something or some service?  If so what?  Where is the need for that item?  Are you starting an online business?  Once you start answering these questions you will be able to apply the information above.  Start thinking about your goal and I will talk about that next. Wishing you good luck on your journey!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Where does it begin

For all of those who are starting a business, own a business, or dream about a business, it all starts in the same place.  So where does it all begin?  For me on my second business adventure, it began with a dream of someday owning a store of my own.  I have worked retail most of my life so it is something I am familiar with but I wasn't sure what type of retail business to start, that I could afford.  Really you have two options in business, buy a prestablished business or start something from the ground up.  Most established business are very expensive since you are buying the inventory, the name, and customers.  Starting from the ground up requires a large start up fund and the time to allow it to take off and a lot of inspiration.

Opportunity is all around us.  I have waited patiently for my chance.  After school, I wanted to open my own Hair salon that was attached to a Garage.  This would make any working mothers dream, getting your hair done(or all the kids cuts) and get your car fixed at the same time. I had my cosmetologist license and had taken a course to become state certified to inspect cars (after spending a lifetime in the garage with my dad as a kid) for the additional knowledge and to fix minor repairs.  As I was working my family grew and my desire to climb the ladder of success took away from my family.  I made the choice that career can wait and concentrated on my family and what jobs I could do to support them and have time to enjoy them.  Thus my dream got put on hold and new dreams began.  Now there is a chain of salons that are attached to garages to do just what I had hoped to, this is why opportunity is all around us you have to be ready when it comes along.

Since family is extremely important to me and I have often had to chose between my job and them to provide the things they needed.  I got an opportunity 3 years ago to be a stay at home mom.  Like many of the women I went to school with, we all saw the sacrifice that working had on our kids and made the same choice.  My grandmother worked but never had a career since her family was her career and anytime a job interfered she moved on.  My mother had large career goals and wanted a family too and did a great job of balancing both but I think it took its toll on her as a person.  I have seen both options and want both but not to compromise myself.  I think a lot of women today are starting their own business to have the flexibility to have a family.  As a business owner I put in 40 plus hours a week but I get to chose when they are how they fit into my week.  

I have never given up on the dream of owning my own business, I have researched and almost started a shoe store but after all my planning the start up cost were more than I could achieve at that point in time.  I am always checking the papers, homes books, and craigslist to see what opportunities are available and listening to people around me of what there needs are.  That is where I found my current business.  I know timing must be right because so many things have just fallen into place.  I am now the proud owner of Suzy's Treasure Chest New and Used Thrift Store.  Check us out on Facebook. 

"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost: that is where they should be.  Now put foundations under them" -Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, February 2, 2012

1st Business Adventure

I shared that this is my second business adventure and you may be asking yourself why am I not better off if this is my second business.  I refer to it as an adventure because I think it positively describes the twists and turns and self discovery that happens with owning a business. So on to my first business adventure, my first business was a vending machine route with candy machines.  I still own this business and it has great potential for larger income if I would choose to expand it.  You may see the advertisements in the paper for vending route for sale.  Questions you should ask before buying that route: is it just the machines for purchase or an established route.  Generally if it not an established route, it is cheaper to start from scratch and purchase machines as you go and expand slowing.  I started with only one machine and quickly grew.  When you start a business you do a lot of research or you should do a lot of research and have a goal or reason to go into business.This is different for each person as well as each business that person may begin.

"take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash" from George Patton.

I was employed in the Non Profit sector during the start up of this business and we relied solely on donations to run the animal shelter that I worked for. Donations included monetary, pet food, cleaning supplies, office supplies, and many other items.  Payroll was the largest expense and even though we used over 50 volunteers a year.  Some positions had to be filled permanently to allow the structure and day to day operations of the shelter.  Shelters could not function without the support of local animal lovers, but sometimes people do not donate all items needed because they are not used directly by the animals in need.  That is where my business grew.  My goal was to raise enough money to take care of items like toilet paper and coffee for the volunteers that worked there.  Ask yourself, before reading this, would you donate toilet paper to the local animal shelter?  Can you imagine as a volunteer not having any to use? We never went without but often had to buy our own.  So I researched and found for a very low start up cost, I could purchase vending machines and by using my name as part of business and being a sole proprietor that I could begin this business to help a cause I believe in. So in 2006 I started my vending machine business.  I have helped 4 other animal shelters and made enough money to help with basic supplies that were not donated.  Since my job change in 2009 I have sold several machines and downsized due to lack of ambition and time to maintain machines.  Between 2006 and 2009 I made enough to cover all start up costs and donations to shelters( I even donated to other things my kids were involved in) and had some left over for my time.  Was it a successful business?  You can judge that for yourself.  It paid its expenses, recovered start up cost, and paid me for time all within 2 1/2 years selling an item that is only 25cents.  I reached the goals set up in my business plan but each person defines success differently.  It all comes down to what you want out of life.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

More about me

On my profile, I told you a little bit about myself as a person and mentioned that I have many goals like you.  Some of my goals started as a small child, like getting married (I secretly have been searching for my husband since 2nd grade) and having a family.  As a career, my goals have continuously been changing but one thing has remained with each field change.  I wanted to own my own business, not sure what but something I enjoyed.  I have worked since the age of 12 with side jobs and took my first position that was not family related at the age of 16.  I have quickly moved up the ranks in each position I have ever held.  Some say I am a Jack of all Trades since I have tried many things and career options.  I have preformed best when the position changes everyday.  Most of my positions have retail management in common.  I have worked in private industry, large corporations, and the non-profit sector.  Now I am adding self employed to my list.

 On my business adventure, I have searched many resources for starting my own business and I have found many resources that I will include in this blog.  I have found very little support for the next step so my new goal is to start this blog to help me and others answer this question.  So I started my business, now what?  I have many questions like;  how do I keep my business going, marketing details, how and what to expand into, and many more.  I know a lot of this is in your business plan, but things can change once you are actually in business and you need to be able to change with business.

As a new business owner, I feel some days like I move forward in leaps and bounds but then other days I question myself and my choices" am I doing the right thing since I have so much as risk"  Where are the answers to these questions?  Most of them are inside your self but sharing and talking about it with others who have things in common helps to keep you flowing forward.  I spend a lot of time talking with my close friends and family about things at the store and they help as much as they can but they have never been business owners so I still find I am alone in my decision process.  That is why I have started my new goal.  This blog is a record of my ups and downs as I go along in the first years of business.  I have some great contacts of other business owners that I am in the process of getting their personal stories to help along the way.  Some have been in business for years and forget what it was like during the first few months and others are new to the industry.  Please use my resources and insight to help you on your way if you are starting a business.  For those who have been there before, please share what you have learned.