Thursday, June 28, 2012

Creating a website

In January, I made a marketing plan and started research for ways to expand on the internet to increase customers and sales.  This has been very effective for me and has branched me out to new opportunities.  I first established myself on Google which is surprisingly free for just basic information.  Then I started my Facebook page which has targeted a lot of my local customer base and it is free information.  I next set up a twitter account and I am getting more information and contacts that are business related.  Great training tips and more.  The last thing I have done is create a website.  The research alone was the thing that held me back the most on creating a website. 

I am a ratings person and I do not like to jump into something thinking it will cost this and end up with extra fees they do not disclose in the process.  After much research, I was able to contact my phone and internet provider and they offered everything I needed to set up a informational website.  This is not exactly what I had invisionsed but after finding out what I can add for addtional fees I think it will work out.  So now I am researching how to do web design to save money.  With all the templates offered and the consultation from my service provider I think I have the start of a great website.  It is something you tweak as you go upon need.  I have done that with my Facebook and Blog, that was completely overhauled last month.  I have always played it safe when working online and I say things in a vague fashion.  But with my business, I have learned I can not be vague.   I came upon a challenge a few weeks ago, this was something I was scared about but I won the battle that day and protected my store. Having done this reminded me that this is personal.  It is mine and it is personal so I need to portray that to you as you read this.  Just like the movie "You Got Mail" and the "Godfather" "fight to the mattresses".  It is personal and if your business is not, maybe it is not the business for you.

Please check out my new site and let me know your thoughts and what you would like to see from me in the future.

I am hoping as you read this, you start following me on Facebook and Twitter to continuely get updates.  I post photos of current items in the shop and I offer shipping if you are interested in an item and can not make it to the store.  I also give a free weekly tip on things you can do to save money and be more thrifty.

My business for the month of June has been very busy and has not let me much time to update this blog, but that is what I want.  I was also closed for a few days to join my kids at camp.  Something to think about when you go into business for yourself,  you have ablitity to take off any time you want but you no longer get paid vacations and you lack the security.  I am sure when my business is a few years older, I will be able to take pay for vacations but for now the business does not support that.

This time of year is full of outdoor festivals and I have been using them to my advantage by advertising in booklets, helping at the events, and just being seen in public.  If you are starting a business, they say it takes a couple years before you actually see the difference of your actions so I am still doing and waiting.

My next big change is to put advertising on my truck so everyone who sees me in traffic can see my website and hopefully stop by. 

Wishing you all a happy and safe 4th of July.