Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Stick to the plan

I have learned another reason why you create a business plan before going into business.  I always thought it was a guide and the steps you need to create your business. 

That is the whole reason I started this blog, to help others and myself during those steps.  I am not sure my blog has helped anyone other than me yet.  The key word YET.  I have been completing everything on my business plan at record speed because I do not know patenice and I want my finished and polished project NOW.  Even though I know deep down it takes time.  Even an army of men move mountains one stone at a time.  I think back to each one of my employment opportunies over the years.  I advanced in everything I did but it took time and hard work.  I never gave up unless I moved forward to better myself and my family.  The thrift store I used to manage took over a year before I increased the sales volume the way I did and even after 5 years of working there, I continued to make changes for the better.   I could have made many more changes and improvments if they would have invested in me and my choices to expand but I can not change the past and now, I can test my choices myself.  I have invested everything I have in me and that has to be the scariest but most joyful experience ever.  I think by the end of the year, we are going to do the same thing for my husband and he will get his chance to prove himself too. 

In the past 2 weeks, I have had some very down days and wondering what am I doing.  Is this the best choice for me and my family.  There is no room for doubt in business but we all experience it from time to time.  The key is to process and maybe ask yourself why do you feel that way and move forward.  Stick to the plan.  I just reread my business plan and I am making adjustments since my business has changed but it is a guide and consistant even when I am not.  I will not allow myself to lose site of the goal.  Remeber that first thing you put in your plan. 

Something you can do, is change the things you do the achieve the goal.  I have taken my slow week to complete another Marketing Class.  A nice virtutal class is at this site.  I do not always get new information from each class, but it stirrs my thoughts and gives me ideas to help move forward. 

I also started a No Excuses Policy at my store.  This idea came from Janis Pettit.  When you have a boss, you have someone to be accountable too, but in your own business you only have to be accountable to you.  If you didn't update the newsletter, email, banking, and ect you suffer the consquence in your business.  Make a no excuse policy and just do it.  I have had a lot going on in my personal life in last 2 weeks and it has effected my business.  I have no excuse and I am moving forward to change and make it better.  My business plan has helped pull me out of the slump for now.....

"Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you'll be able to see farther." J.P. Morgan

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