Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Are you ready to become an employer?

Now that I have given you resources for the legal mumbo jumbo.  "Not my favorite part of business structure." I want to share the information I have on employees.  I do not currently have employees at Suzy's but I have been a manager for many years and had to hire and fire people.  The legal issues with employees are covered in the books I named in last segment.  This is just tips for interviewing, hiring, and other real life tips. 

Before hiring you need to create an application.  Many templates are available online.  Think about what is important for you to know and include.  A lot of applications are more complicated than they need to be and do not share anything about their personality.  I always list references, but I often wonder why, like anyone is going to list someone that is going to give them a bad reference.  I look for strong bonds with previous employers which is usually a good sign.  Can we contact them, how long they were employed, and why they moved on?  These are character points and let me know if they will last.  I would rather spend more time looking for the right person than hire and fire all the wrong ones so I spend a great deal of time with interviews and applications.  Next is interview potential employees.  It is best to use like 5 questions but not yes or no answers.  These are my favorites:

Tell me about yourself?

What interested you about this position?

What is something that you have done for a past employer(or school if no previous work) that you are proud of and why?

Tell me a time in your life you struggled and what you did to overcome it?

I always end with.  What do you know about this company?  If I want the opportunity to talk more, this opens my door to tell them more about the position.  I never hire on the spot.  I always thank them for coming and that I will make my decision by _____?

This gives them an opportunity to tell you there life story then you have a better judge of who they are.  I have had some really shy people that I have listed examples about me to get them started.  It takes away the spotlight for enough time they can relax.

I sometimes do a second interview but usually it is because I am torn between 2 candidates or I want to hire them and I feel more professional to do it in person. 

I have been told from several employees that I am hard to work for, but I have had some awesome employees that have worked with me for years.  I know I can be a little intimidating but all I ask is for you to try your best.  Once you develop your team now you need to manage it.  Have all your policies written and encourage anyone to ask questions.  I have always been willing to go the extra mile to teach someone who may or may not have lots of experience so it is done as customers would expect it to be.  I am not perfect and I do not expect perfection from my employees but lots can be measured by heart.  I also have a major rule as Management, I would never ask my employee to do something I would not do myself.  Since my career started on the bottom, there is very little I will not do myself. I always make sure to notice things I am proud of that my employees do.  This is important, if you have to take disciplinary action they know the good faults too. 

"You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar". Unknown

I have had some great teams in the past that when I have an off day, which does happen they step in and cover me.  I have always had their respect but they in return had mine.  To move mountains you have employees that move small stones, don't forget that as you move forward in success that they helped you get there.

Now the hard part, having to let someone go.  I have had to do this more than one time to many.  Some have been seasonal help that you do not have finances for after season and others have been deserved and some have come from above me and not deserved.  Anyway you look at it, its not easy.  You are best to do it in a closed off location so the person has the ability to react safely.  If is seasonal and someone who you really like after you tell them(don't sugar coat it) offer to be a reference or suggest somewhere you know may be hiring.  If they have done something wrong be short and sweet and allow them to ask questions of why but that you have to do what you have to do.  Usually if they have several write ups they know it is coming.  Before I write someone up, I do a verbal warning and I tell them this is a warning and it will be documented.  On write up I include verbal date.  Third time for same offence is it for me. 

Note, I try not to mix family and friends with business.  You can not choose your family and you have to live with results if something goes wrong.  Friends may put you in a bind about something then you are forced to decide your business or your friend and no one wants that.  There are somethings family and friends can help with but you would be better to subcontract than directly hire.  I love my family and friends and would do anything for them but letting them go would be a challenge for me no matter what they did. 

"Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction". JFK

Hope this helps anyone looking to have employees. Best of luck on your next step.

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